A creative director specialized in turning small creative hot-shops into full-service agency leads. But I’ve also written books, produced TV shows—even do funny voices for video games sometimes. I used to think of myself as a kind of creative Jack-of-all-trades. Now I use a better term…
Learned a secret language decoding the entire human condition at one of the best creative schools on the planet.
Made ads slick enough to look like AI, but iconic enough to have trained it.
Wrote a YA technothriller while waiting on a green card.
Won a pitch with this picture of a penis-shaped pokemon.
Invented a mixed reality CGI robot that became a global IP.
Made a kids TV show about creativity looking like an extra from Vampire Diaries.
Am at least partly responsible for squashing this guy from House of the Dragon’s face into a 12” thick block of perspex.